Garci Garfunkel - January 16, 03:23


La Fiesta Pagana del Mago de Oz?? (I have to tell my brother that, he will be very proud of that, he loves them!!).

That doesn't seem a disco, it seems more like a battlefield with music (Jarhead?). If you feel better: my right feet is now twice the size of the left one. I'm old to play football (and a little bit clumsy too) A bra's strap broken?? ejem... No comments :-). By the way, it's late and I'm not sleepy.

Moral of what I said:

Who knows!! (I don't even think it worths to be called a logical thinking...)

But, girls, please, dancing (wild or calm) or not, BE NICE WITH THE GUYS WHO TALK TO YOU AT THE DISCOS!!! (being mean a little bit is OK).

caliente_in_berlin - January 16, 10:02

Siiiiiiii, del Mago de Oz! I know it's an old one but it's a great one, too... And (of course) usually it's not music for a German club ;-)
Anyway, we're not in Spain or Italy so there won't be guys trying to talk to the girls. Remember...we Germans are cold and antisocial ;-)



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