Saturday, 8 April 2006

*soul's striptease*

Deep in my soul, deep in my head
If I were honest with me
I would know who’s good and bad
Instead I’m acting anti

Deep in my soul, deep in my mind
If I were honest to you
I would know I want to be blind
That’s the reason we argue

Hiding behind shield and wall
Which I will never take down
As long as I think bad of all
I cannot get hurt and drown

Instead I hurt myself and the boys
Doubting and questioning all
Alas it does not protect but destroys
It is not a stable wall

I really wish I were honest
Deep down in my soul I want it
Instead I’m not and do protest
Cause I’m afraid and feel haunted

Thus I prefer to shut my eyes
and turn away my soul
I close my heart and think it’s wise
betaking myself in a hole

by caliente 2006


in or out?


good to know


music of the week



Gleichfalls von mir!...
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C. Araxe - April 8, 21:17
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caliente_in_berlin - April 20, 17:42



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